I’m Running

I’m Running
Dear Friend,

Travis County District Clerk Amalia Rodriguez-Mendoza has announced that she will retire at the end of her term. She has served our community well, and I thank her for her service. Public service has been a commitment throughout my career as a lawyer, a community volunteer, and a member of local and state boards and commissions. With that commitment in mind,I have decided to run for the position of Travis County District Clerk, and I am excited about the possibility of serving the public in that capacity.

Throughout my legal career, I have witnessed great changes in our courts and in the technologies used in the practice of law. In this era of rapidly accelerating technological change, I believe that in the future this office will have substantial opportunities to significantly expand access to court records—and to make that access both faster and more economical for lawyers, judges, and the public.
I strongly believe public access to government records is fundamental to the effective operation of our judicial system.
I would greatly appreciate your support. You can help my campaign in two ways: 
1. Join my growing list of supporters—now numbering over 200, including several elected officials and community leaders.
For many years I have been very involved in the Democratic community as a past Precinct Chair for Precinct 135, former President of Central Austin Democrats, sustaining member of the Travis County Democratic Party and presently a Black Austin Democrats Board member.
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49 Comments on "I’m Running"

  • Mike says

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    • Kyle says

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